Graphic and Design

CenterPrint Nyomda Debrecen

Let’s brainstorm and plan it together!

Graphic design always requires a creative approach, regardless of whether you need to design a graphic design for a printed product or a digital image.
Basically, the planning process consists of a few important steps, which are as follows:

1. To develop a high-quality graphic material, a detailed needs assessment is essential in order to be able to prepare the given work in the best possible quality and maximally adapted to the needs of the customers.

2. During the needs assessment, we must examine the following details:

  • Who is the target group?
  • Will the graphic material appear online and/or offline?
  • Are pictures or other graphic materials available?
  • Is there an existing image manual? (colors, fonts, etc., which we must take into account during the design)
  • Are there textual elements on the graphic material? (text content elements are always requested from our customers)

3, Graphic design, presentation of sketches and visual designs.
In this phase of the design, the first sketches are prepared, which will serve as the main pillar in the development of the final concept.
Upon request, we are happy to prepare several visual plans for our customers, in order to make the choice easier.

4. After we have managed to select the most suitable one from the visual designs, we will then prepare the final graphic materials, the Artwork.
On demand, they can be made from these graphic materials:


  • 3D mockups
  • printed and unprinted models
  • digital proof of artworks

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