Our winning applications


Beneficiary name: Center-Print Printing Industry and Service Limited Liability Company
Project title: Expanding the production capacity of Center-Print Nyomda Kft. by maximizing the quality of the produced products
Funding amount: HUF 175,072,655
Subsidy level: 50 %
Completion date: 08.03.2019.
Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-00520
Place of project implementation: 4027 Debrecen, Füredi út 76.; 19930/A/7 hrs

Presentation of project content:

The development of the company as defined in the project was typically induced by the problem that the demand for quality products that can be produced through offset printing technology increases linearly, as well as new demands appeared, during which the maximum utilization of the production capacity limits further development opportunities. It had an area suitable for the physical implementation of business development and expansion, and was able to achieve its growth and further development opportunities by increasing the stock of technology equipment and manufacturing and production capacity. The company’s management had previously set as a long-term strategic goal the continuous expansion and modernization of their technological stock in order to achieve and expand a broad portfolio in order to achieve a decisive position in the region. The company’s position on the market is good, its main customers are individuals from Eastern Hungary and Romania, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises. In the future, it will realize growth in both the domestic and export markets, which increase in demand for quality products will necessitate the expansion of capacity. The company produces the following products according to customer needs: books, newspapers, program booklets, magazines, magazines, business forms, invoices, checks, medicine labels, stamped and glued boxes, brochures, notepads, advertising materials, leaflets, brochures, technical descriptions, user guides , calendars, invitations, entrance tickets, passes, CD covers, invitations, certificates, personalized products, postal items. The company employs employees with appropriate education, experience and expertise to ensure its activities. Through the implementation of the technological development, the company also realizes the entry into a new market, which appears in the market of high-volume pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the market of small-batch, unique, small series-produced demanding packaging. It can be said that with the equipment acquired as part of the project, the company can produce new products and provide services in connection with and beyond its current activities, i.e. it is able to produce several products and provide services, which significantly improves the profitability, stability and export capacity of the company and an intensive growth puts it on track. As a result of the project, the company’s equipment park based on modern technology was expanded.

In the framework of the project, the following tools, technological machines and equipment were procured: 1 KOMORI GL-540C H-UV Hybrid curved offset printing press



Beneficiary name: Center-Print Printing Industry and Service Limited Liability Company
Project title: Increasing the competitiveness of Center-Print Nyomda Kft. through adaptive technological innovation
Funding amount: HUF 15,000,000
Subsidy rate: 47.74 %
Start of implementation: 13.04.2018.
Completion date: 08.06.2018.
Project identification number: GINOP-2.1.8-17-2017-01274
Place of project implementation: 4027 Debrecen, Füredi út 76.; 19930/A/7 hrs

Presentation of project content:

With the equipment acquired as part of the project, the company will create a new product and service related to its current activities, that is, it will be able to produce several products and provide services, which will significantly improve the company’s profitability, stability and export capacity and put it on an intensive growth path. In addition to a constant production value, the added value increases by reducing expenses and the use of the necessary subcontractor services also decreases. As a result of the project, the company’s equipment park based on modern technology will be expanded. With the brochure production equipment to be purchased as a result of the project, the company can significantly reduce the amount of subcontractor services used, which contributes to the profitability of the company, the observance of exact production deadlines, and the creation of a competitive pricing strategy. Center-Print Nyomda Ipari és Szolgáltató Láltatólt Oblészágő Társaság will be able to produce new products independently, which could not be done until now, because the available machine park did not allow their production. These products are the production of landscape A4 size brochures. The current product range includes a wide range of printing products, from small-print name cards to large-print books, to wide-format marketing materials and building nets. The purchase of the Horizon VAC-1000L/SPF-200A brochure production equipment is an investment with an absolutely positive impact on the company. With the implementation of the investment, i.e. through adaptive innovation, the competitiveness of the business increases, as a new product or service is created in connection with its current activities, i.e. it will be able to produce several products and provide services, as well as significantly modified or better quality products and services in connection with its current activities is created. In addition to a constant production value, the added value increases by reducing costs and the use of the necessary subcontractor services also decreases. Accordingly, the profitability of the company increases, as the costs related to the production of the product can be significantly reduced by reducing the use of subcontractors. There is an ever-increasing demand from the company’s existing clientele and the new customers of the tender for the production of brochures of a few pages and small books, which the company can only deliver to their customers with the use of significant subcontractors. By producing A4 brochures, the opportunity to appear in new markets opens up for the company. Based on the preliminary discussions, the head of the company is confident that, after the implementation of the investment, export market opportunities will open up for them, especially in terms of deliveries to Romania and neighboring countries and for European companies.

In the framework of the project, the following tools, technological machines and equipment were procured: 1 Horizon VAC-1000LSPF-200A brochure production equipment



Beneficiary name: Center-Print Printing Industry and Service Limited Liability Company
Project title: Efficiency increase at CENTER-PRINT Nyomda Kft
Amount of support: HUF 35,298,796
Accountable project cost in total: HUF 56,685,006
Subsidy rate: 62.27%
Start of implementation: 17.07.2020.
Completion date: 04.01.2021.
Project ID number: GINOP-1.2.8-20-2020-01242
Place of project implementation: 4027 Debrecen, Füredi út 76.; 19930/A/7 hrs

Presentation of project content:

CENTER-PRINT NYOMDA Kft implemented the development of the bookbinding and digital printing department. The company currently has a reliable fleet of machinery, which was not replaced, but expanded, modernized, and improved in efficiency. Our company continuously maintains, modernizes and expands its equipment park. The developments of the past years were intended to serve other developments and technological modernization of the plant, but the development realized within the framework of this project will increase the efficiency of the knitting and digital printing department. Within the framework of this project, 1 Bacciottini PIT STOP D2H High Speed ​​automatic punching and perforating machine was purchased; 2 Horizon VAC-1000m compactors; 1 MAGRAF KO 50 x 70 PLUS Semi-automatic hardboard making equipment; 1 Magraf “UK 46” hooking machine; 1 Horda QJ-80 corner cutting device and 1 Mutoh VJ1604X printer + SummaCut D140FX cutting plotter. Primarily, we implemented the widest possible range of printing industry services. With our expanded services, we can not only meet the needs of our customers (deadline, favorable price, excellent quality) at a high level, but we can also become suppliers to the surrounding printing houses. With the implementation of the current development, our company can develop into a dominant printing company in the eastern half of the country, which makes it possible to carry out works as a main contractor or a significant number of subcontractors. With the availability of new tools, costs can be radically reduced, the number of manual operations is reduced, thus more efficient work and significantly better quality can be achieved. After the development, the company can increase its production capacity in the short and long term thanks to the up-to-date, modern technologies at its disposal. Faster and better work is possible with modern technological equipment, the right material and time management. According to the plans, our company also plans to expand its orders for companies with a similar scope of activities within the framework of contract work.



Beneficiary name: Center-Print Printing Industry and Service Limited Liability Company
Project title: Supporting the energy supply of Center-Print Nyomda Kft. with a solar renewable energy production system
Amount of support: HUF 7,904,818
Accountable project cost in total: HUF 14,372,399
Subsidy level: 55%
Start of implementation: 27.04.2021.
Completion date: 10.09.2021.
Project ID number: GINOP-4.1.4-19-2020-01373
Place of project implementation: 4027 Debrecen, Füredi út 76.; 19930/A/7 hrs

Presentation of project content:

As a result of the development, a 49.56kW solar panel system was created, consisting of 118 Canadiansolar CS3W 420 P solar panels and 2 Solaredge SE25K inverters and the necessary accessories. In the framework of the project, the development was implemented in 1 target area, namely the installation of the solar system for grid electricity production. The annual amount of electricity that can be produced by installing the system is 55,000 kWh, which is 20.63% of the annual electricity demand of 266,588.25 kWh. This saving is significant and shows itself to a significant extent in saving the company’s expenses. Through the implementation of the project, the estimated annual reduction of greenhouse gases is 41.01 t/year. The decrease in primary energy consumption achieved by energy efficiency improvements is 294.39 GJ/year.


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